

Wedding ring find

29 Oct 2019

I just wanted to share a story about an experience I’ve just had in ElArenal Majorca ,I arrived there with a few friends a few weeks ago and got a message off a friend through a site called ring finder Europe .Someone had lost their wedding band on their honeymoon and had asked if someone could find it, they told me the name SvenjaWas  inside the ring and the wedding date 2308/19, as the beach is about 8 miles long I asked if they new a rough area so they sent me a map where they thought it might be .The first couple of days I spent a few hours looking but all that was coming up was Euros and not many of those ,later in the week on the Wednesday I went a bit further down the beach and on my way back I thought I try in a bit deeper water so I went out to about 1.25 mtrs , the first signal I got came up 22 on the Equinox so i dug it it was a 20 cents another step 22 came up again so I thought pocket spill and  another 20 cents so I dug it and up came a wedding band but as i didn’t have my glasses I couldn’t read the inscription, so about an hour later when I met up with the other lads on the beach I asked one of them to have a look at it straight away he told me svenja, wow I had found it .Now how do I get it back to the lady in Germany for her husband , I contacted the chap from ring finder who knew a German lad who was detecting on the other end of the island ,he contacted the lady who was over the moon at my discovery. So we met up I passed over the ring and this week I received the news the lady had received it back she sent me a photo to say I was delighted is an understatement, that was the first time in the sea with the EQUINOX and I love it I’m taking it out the Caribbean in November, this is the 6th Minelab machine I’ve had in my detecting life, you are years ahead of your rivals keep up the good work. I’ll try to attach some photos for you.

Peter - Lancashire, UK

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