

My First Gold Coin!

29 Oct 2019

I was coming across much junk in the ground as per usual. I eventually came across a very faint signal about 8 inches down. It was 15 on the VDI scale. I had doubts if too retrieve the target or not, because of the low VDI number. I dug the hole, not expecting much. I saw something spill from the side of the plug I had dug. Then I saw it. I could see that gold colour. And I knew straight away what it was. It had to be a gold coin. My hands were shaking. It looked beautiful. Do I put in my pocket? Do I put it in the car? No, I thought. I don’t want too loose this. So I drove home. Upon arriving I said to my parents. I think I’ve done it. The holy grail for detectorists. I slowly cleaned it with water over the next few days. It would turn out to be a 1911 Gold Half Sovereign. Perth Mint. About 130,000 minted that year I still shake my head that I found it.

Ashleigh– Victoria, Australia



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