

Primeros dos anillos

22 Nov 2019

Despues de varios dias fallidos de busqueda. Donde encontré pulltabs. Monedas y basura.. por fin aparecieron.. sono el detector como si fuese mas basura.. pero el sonido era diferente.. el tono era diferente y comence a escarbar la arena... en efecto.. era un anillo de oro.. al poco andar.. el mismo tono y sonido .. otro anillo de oro... no lo podia creer.. la fortuna de mi lado.. los guardo como trofeos de busqueda.. por ser los primeros.

After several failed days of searching. Where I found pulltabs. Coins and garbage ... finally appeared.. the detector sounded as if it were more garbage .. but the sound was different .. the tone was different and I began to dig the sand ... indeed .. it was a gold ring. Soon after ... the same tone and sound ... another gold ring ... I could not believe it ... the fortune on my side ... I keep them as search trophies ... for being the first.


Felipe - La Union, Chile

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