

One mans trash is another mans treasure

27 Nov 2022

We were out on one of our traditional day after Thanksgiving family hunts, we have 5+ Minelabs in our immediate family and we do this every year. We stopped at an old farmhouse and my brother-in-law knocked on the door. A large shirtless man with a face covered in shaving cream closely resembling poppa smurf answered the door, his name was "Spike". We asked and were given permission to hunt his property, an old 5 over 4 farmhouse. There were a few notable finds that day, but one very unusual one. Spike was a friendly man, he is a 4 fingered fiddle player in a local country band.... you can't make this stuff up! Spike is a detectorist himself, but not at the level of our group. Spike had to leave for a short while, he had to visit his wife who is in a nursing home with Alsheimer's disease. My first thought was wow, he's a trusting person leaving 3 complete strangers digging up his yard and he left us there alone. A little while later he returned, he then followed my brother- in-law all around the yard with keen interest looking at what he was digging. In the meantime, I find a cheap gold plated ring, the plating was even coming off. The ring had no value, but kind of jokingly, I put it in my closed hand and walked over to Spike and said here, I have something for you, and I dropped it in his hand. His response was complete unexpected and took the three of us by surprise. His eyes welled up with tears and he became extremely emotional! Spike then explained that soon after he and his wife married, his mother and his new wife had a big fight on the front porch. It must have been a good one with arms flailing in the air resulting in this ring flying off of her finger never to be seen again! After some conversation, Spike returned to the house only to come back out a few minutes later. He walked over to me and said "a good deed deserves a good deed in return" he then hands me a knife that he made and said, here, I want you to have this! What a great gesture and I have it to this day, This happened a few thanksgivings ago and while we were all together this year, we were reminiscing about that day and we looked Spike up online. Spike has got to be at or near 80 and we found that his wife has recently passed away. This is one detecting adventure that we won't soon forget.

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