

My first Hoard of Edward 1st pennies

18 Aug 2020

Well this happens this weekend at a rally in the uk I was detecting all day with a few finds in the finds box And was just working my way back to the event field when I got this signal of 9 on the equinox 800 with not having a signal for a while I dug it out to find it to be a Edward penny then swung the coil again and got another signal lower number this time at 6 and another Edward penny then the signals kept coming with another detectorists helping me find these pennies and ended up diging 12 before the light started fading so everyone was contacted and the area taped of ready to go back the next morning were their was more signals In the hole so a small trench was dug and then 8 more Edward pennies came to light as the signals disappeared the total number off Edward pennies was 20 in this hoard my first Ever hoard And I’ve been smiling ever since Can't quite believe it I’ve found a hoard and il never forget this day and one of the pennies was a Gaucher of chatillon 1313 -1322 Thanks for reading

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