I purchased the Nox 800 the day before my b-day in December of 2020. I have not used a metal detector in many years, but I heard Minelab detectors were the best investment. When the opportunity presented itself, i had to buy. I live in the Mother lode area of California, in fact right in an old mining community. People have been mining this area for over a hundred years. My cousins dad used to laugh to himself when family would come to visit and they would want to pan for gold. He would ask if we knew how many people have been here, panning this river?? You think there's any gold left?? Well, as anyone but me knows, hunting in gold areas is not easy, what with mineralization and hot rocks and all the iron rubbish old prospectors left everywhere, it's a pain. Well three months later I've finally struck gold. Sweeping an area miners searched of a protruding quartz vein, and they followed some down quite far in the earth, I got a signal from the quartz vein itself. Wanting to make sure it wasn't something at the base of the vein, I clear cleared the debris away and swept the vein again, where I received a solid, repeatable signal of 1-2, and reading 2to 4inches into the quartz. After several calories being burnt up, i finally saw payday. And what a payday! After cleaning out the first pocket of gold, I swept the quartz vein again, and for another hit a couple more inches deep. I haven't cracked that open yet, but if it's anything like the first pocket I'll end up with close to an ounce. WOOT WOOT!