

Medal of perseverance for my friend the CTX 3030

08 Oct 2018

It was a rainy autumn day, I was with my friend, the CTX 3030. We went by car to a neigbouring village, it was raining hard all the way. We could not drive all the way to the village by car, as there were large puddles and mud. I had to leave the car and move on by foot, it was a further 2 kilometers to the village. I put on a raincoat, took my CTX 3030 and shovel, contining my journey. The road was too dirty, so I went to the field. I turned on CTX, he was silent for the first kilometer, I was sad. Suddenly he began to show me a coin signal, I dug down 20 centimeters, but there was nothing. I began to dig deeper, and there it was, a find !!!!!!!!!!! I could see some coins, but somehow they had became attached to a earring. I took the find and ran to the nearest puddle. I carefully washed these coins with an earring. It turned out that there were two award medals attached to the earring. I reached my friend at the village and showed my finds. He did not believe my luck and told me that I had found an amazing discovery from a long time ago, when people lived there. Everything had fallen into place, I was wet, but glad for my find. I stayed with my friend until the evening and went to my car to go home. I returned home late in the evening and came to the conclusion that the finds can be found in the most unexpected ways.  

Aleksandr - Penza, Russia

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