

Love token ring

07 Sep 2019

Haven't gotten out much this summer due to the heat and over growth of vegetation, it finally cooled down and the weeds are starting to die off. I decided to go to one of my spots close to home. It's an old Homesite from the 1800's nothing there now but a foundation. Turned on my Nox 800 and started swinging, the place is loaded with iron nails, I cranked up my swing speed to 8, turned down the iron volume to 5. First target I hit was a 31-33 solid! Couldn't believe my luck, I called my buddy over to listen, he swung his Deus over the target, sounded choppy. He said "it's a big bolt, I wouldn't dig it!" I laughed and said you better check your program again. I dig my plug, i couldn't believe my eyes, out pops a honking big silver ring! I clean it off and looked closely! I noticed it's hand carved, 1918 USN Les. I was floored. It gets better. I noticed a groove on the inside. Got out my brush, went to the stream and cleaned it up. It turns out it's a 1904 Panamanian coin made into a ring! Not sure if it's trench art from WWI or after! It is the most amazing find for me to date! Thank you Minelab for putting out an amazing machine!

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