

Lost necklace at the beach

31 Aug 2020

A call went out on our Facebook forum for help to find a precious locket and chain lost on a beach near Adelaide. I along with several others searched for hours without success. I returned the next night when there was a low tide and was able to check the seaward side of the sandbar which the lady was sitting on. Within 10 minutes I picked up a jumping signal that sounded good so I dug it to reveal the lost necklace all in one piece. It was sitting 4" deep about 10-15m down from the top of the sandbar in an area that would have been under water the previous day. One extremely happy lady reunited with her locket and its precious contents. The artistic layout of a dog was pure chance as I scrunched the chain up for the photo and it's coincidental that she had her dog with her on the day!

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