

I took a chance

06 Sep 2022

I took a chance trying this spot with a friend it was a long river near where we live. We got there about halfway through the tide and I started checking the bank when my first coin I found was a Barbara quarter! Then further down the bank a Indian V nickel spill! Well it didn’t take long for us to start finding coins along the bank as the tide receded. SLQ’s barber quarters a seated quarter a half Reale KG2 mercury dimes seated dime silver Washington’s silver Rosie’s. Then at low tide coins were just on the surface some just under the rocks we found 6 halves 1 seated 2 barbers 3 walkers I could not believe it later I found out this had been a old yacht club so now I know why so many coins were there also the sterling bracelet and lots of musket balls fishing sinkers some modern coins also and a colonial cuff link Just a unbelievable spot there’s still more there we can’t wait to go back!

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