

A testiment to the power and performance of the GPX6000

05 Sep 2022

It started off like every other day so far this Winter. It's cold, the grounds wet and on off showers are forecasted. This would stop some GPX 6000 users but being the keenest of keen detectorists nothing stops us from trying, and not to mention the 6000 has changed the game and made detecting in the wet for small and large gold a lot easier. Living in a small town central to the Goldfields getting to locations is easy and close. On this particular day it was a 20min drive in the Stuart Mill area which is an area we have been detecting a lot this year. The plan for the day is simple and never changes, we start at an area and if no one finds anything or the grounds to hot in the first hour we move. So with it being another wet night before and drizzling on our way out we weren't expecting more then a few 'sprinkles' , that's what we call the smallest gold that hardly moves the scales. We started on diggings running along the side of the road wasn't long before we found the first little sprinkle and then another few small nuggets. By this time its coffee break and we all agree we are happy to stay and work the diggings running up the gully. We are feeling confident that by what we have found so far that day that other GPX6000 users have not been over these diggings before which is a promising sign there may be more to unearth. After coffee break we started up the gully finding a digging that had 3 clear signals for 3 nice little nuggets in the pipe clay. Moving onto the next digging after digging 2 lead shot , straight away it happens a clear as day 'drop tone', one of the most exciting sounds in my opinion the 6000 can make. Starting to dig, the signal getting louder and louder and the hole getting deeper and deeper we are all starting to think we have found an old timers nail or a rusty bolt , but with the machine screaming loader then we have ever heard the words 'horseshoe' and 'miners pick' are the guesses. Finally the target is out of the hole being about or a little over 2ft deep in the pipe clay, excitement and doubt seaswores in our minds as we pinpoint the target. On the first scoop in was in, the weight is something you cant miss but one swipe over the 6000 confirms our thoughts, we have something special here. Sifting it out we are in disbelief, as to find something this big in flogged out diggings is testiment to the power and performance of the GPX6000. On the drive back into town guesses on its weight ranged from 6 to 8 grams. Cleaning it up we could clearly see it was a Beautiful Specimen that weighed in at 12.51grams and with all the finds that day a total of 13.24grams was found. It was an amazing day and an amazing story we will be telling for years and years.

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