

History Comes Back to Life!

01 Dec 2011

bzzzzz. bzzzzz. 0500 in the morning. The wake up call. Breakfast and a cup of coffee to open up the sleepy eyes. I was determend to find some ancient coins . Driven a total of 520 mile for 3.5 hours of searching, the time was short becausse of family diner. CRAZY ???? Well a litle. But in the morning sun, walking on ancient fields it is worth every second. And did the history come to live again with a really beautyful find. It was if the ancient Celtic warriors talking to me, cousse of the shivers I got when I found a perfect silver Celtic coin. 8 hours driving, 3.5 hours searching, would I do it again??? YES!! Have good finds all, Best regards. Rob van der Zande - Zeeland, Netherlands

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