

Hidden treasure

09 Jun 2020

I am just writing to you to express how happy I am with your product, and have written a short story/review below outlining how it helped me find an amazing collection of small treasures. Upon our most recent detecting venture, I was detecting over a large quartz blow. I had never had much luck over such terrain in previous, although this time had borrowed a friend's Mine – Lab GPZ-7000 to detect, and was thus more confident in the area. I had heard an extremely faint signal whilst scanning over this quartz blow – Almost undetectable. Initially, I figured such a small signal would not be worth my time to investigate, and so moved on from the area in search of a stronger one. However, after leaving the area, I simply could not rid myself from this inkling that I had just dismissed what could be the jackpot I was after. Two days later, I had caved into my suspicion and went back to the quartz blow, equipped with a crowbar – ready to investigate. After hacking into the rock for a short while, I eventually found what gave the signal – And was underwhelmed to say the least. What I had unveiled was a small, rusty tobacco tin; with something rattling inside. At first, I thought it was just rubble, and so was prepared for disappointment. I got to hacking it open with an axe – And to my utter disbelief, uncovered real – life treasure, the best I had ever discovered in all my years of detecting. I believe this was all thanks to the fantastic ingenuity and precision engineering of the Mine – Lab GPZ-7000. Without such astounding technology, I feel I would have never picked up such a faint signal and would never have come across this treasure. If you wish to use the photo of our find for advertising purposes – Please contact me. Many thanks, and Best Regards, Nina

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