

Hammered coin in hunted out field

23 Aug 2018
Success Story

It is harvest time here in France. So now, I have received my EQUINOX 800 it is time to go and detect on my best spots, the ones I had already found interesting coins or artefacts with my truthful E-TRAC. The problem is the farmers nowadays hardly plough their fields. They scratch the ground on one or two inches deep, so you can only find forgotten targets no possible new ones brought to light by the plough. I went that Sunday afternoon in spite of the heat wave (passion is passion) to one recently harrowed field where I had already found very small medieval artefacts like buckles, hammered coins and tiny belt ornaments. I know nails and iron slag pollute the ground. So I used the now well-known Killer Program with sensitivity to his maximum and reactivity up to 6. I turned my phone off for the search to be as quiet as possible. I did a noise cancel and was ready for the hunt. I did not expect to find much because as I said previously the field had not ploughed deep and I already hunted it out last year with my E-TRAC I was very surprised and glad to see there were still some targets left. Well nothing much interesting, pieces of lead, elements of buckles, tiny bronze ornaments… Still I was optimistic as for the fact of finding a coin. A few worthless targets later, I had a clear sound in my earphones and the screen read a steady 11. I dug with my old favourite tool and popped up a nice silver hammered coin. I identified it at home as being a denarius minted by the Bishop of Toul Pierre de Brixley around 1170. It is a very thin coin, which weighs less than one gram. I wanted to check if it was just a stroke of luck. After all the coin might have been on the ground. So I buried it at 5 inches to see if I could hear it. And as you can see in the video EQUINOX 800 can easily detect it. I am now combing my favourite spots with my EQUINOX and a detector has never more pleasantly surprised me.

Bernard K. - Région Lorraine,France

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