


12 Mar 2021

That Saturday Mach 6th,I went at same place that I had been prospecting in the past, for you can having an idea of this place in terms of numbers, I would let you know that to get just one old coin at this frequently prospected area, people could be spending few hours and walking more than five kms. That is the current statistics in this old place.

But my equinox 600 beat the average with an oustandig rate of 9 old coins (minted aroun 1860); in less than one hour. Thesecret was that I have changed the mode to the field 2 to the mode beach 2 and also I set frequency of 15. This time I was focused on practice a slowly swing of my detector and assure the coil goes no more than 1 inch of this very mineralized soil.

Long story short... PUM inmediatelly 9 old coins.

Using Equinox 600 is like you can carry and use so many diferents equipments, but all of them in just one.

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