

Double wedding band recovery, double success.

06 Sep 2020

Busy saturday. Together with my wife Mika we were helping to recover two lost gold wedding bands. First one was lost few days earlier while swimming in the sea. It had great sentimental value. It was made from gold wedding bands of owner's grandparents - unique one, not replaceable. That was my job as water was a little too cold for Mika. I fought with the waves of Baltic Sea for about an hour, some of them covered me completly, it was rough one. Fianlly, a neck deep, I got strong solid signal showing up as 19 on the screen. It was it! Great depth and stability of Equinox 800 in salt water was the key to find that gold! Owner's wife cried and hugged me hard when I showed the ring to them! That was both the hardest recovery I ever did and one of most pleasant ones. Two hours later we were in totaly different city, 130km far from first one. Again it was the husband who lost the gold wedding band while playing volleyball at the court. Lots of iron and big metal objects around. My wife Mika found it in few minutes. Equinox 800 with small 6 nich coil is the best for that kind of job! Wedding band was lost few days before first weddding anniversary, returning it was a great pleasure. Marrige saved. Helping others recover their lost belongings of great sentimental value is one of best feelings any treasure hunter can experience.

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