
Explorer SE Pro

Defying the Critics

23 Sep 2011

A group of about twelve of us had a chance to hunt a very trashy south Louisiana plantation site a few weeks ago. I was the only one there using a Minelab Explorer SE Pro. About thirty minutes into the hunt I found an 1800 one reale. When we called it a day after about five hours hunting I had been blessed to find: 1800 one reale, 1803 one reale, 1839 dime, 1839 half dime, 1851 dime, a token good for 5 cents not listed in any of the token books, a one piece eagle button, a two piece eagle button, an 1860’s New Orleans Fire Department button and various other buttons and brass items. While we were hunting, one of the other hunters kept coming up to me checking to see what else I had found. He kept saying, “I have always heard those Minelab Explorers won’t work in trashy areas.” Five silver coins in one day and the newest one 1851. What a day! What a machine! Annuit Cœptis Bob Sullivan - TX, USA

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