
Explorer XS

An Iron Age Find Fit for a Museum

14 Dec 2010

The Minelab Explorer XS, my first serious machine opened my eyes to what treasure really was beneath my feet. The combination of a warm summers evening and an enthusiastic ten year old nephew led to a pleasurable couple of hours detecting a local sloping field/ garden. We followed a rugged old track which cut across the slope, with the nephew taking on the role of stomping earth back into the dug holes. Soon we had a nice selection of finds, two heraldic buttons, a George III penny and a musket ball but the next signal was a little different. A newly grown tree had sprouted halfway across the track and as my coil passed under, I received what I'd call an ear bashing from a pure dig me up signal!! Which led in turn to a ten minutes excavation of tree roots and rocks... finally just as thoughts turned to a pickaxe the find was out! And what a find! What I now know to be an Iron Age Celtic Scabbard mouth piece lay in my hand looking like it was made the day before and even the nephew was impressed... "Can I have it" he said :) “Not this one sorry matey I laughed I think it's a bit special" The Museums took it away, dating it to 50-100AD and marking it as being of major significance. My best find to date and still gives me a massive buzz when I think about it, thanks Minelab for helping make it happen :) Peter – Shropshire, UK

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