Product Notice Superseded: read the latest update here.
Due to high levels of demand recently experienced, the plastic used to manufacture the 15-inch elliptical coils in Minelab’s premium Commander Coil range has been sourced from two different suppliers (one in Australia and one in Ireland). As a result we are experiencing slight variations in the colour of these coils, with some being white whilst others are off-white, and also a slightly rougher texture on the off-white coils (see examples pictured right). In time this will be standardised so that all coils are white and not off-white, however it is not expected that we will see this change come into effect for a number of months. In the meantime we will continue to see coils that are either white or off-white. This variation does not impact any other aspects of the coils or their performance.
We have experienced a number of issues with counterfeit products in recent times and understand this has made some of you cautious that the off-white coils are counterfeit. Rest assured that this variation in colour for 15-inch elliptical Commander coils does not mean that a off-white coil is not a genuine Minelab product.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your regional Minelab office.