


06 Apr 2010
Welcome to Treasure Talk, Minelab's metal detecting blog. We've handpicked our very best and most knowledgeable staff to present regular metal detecting blogs on topics close to their heart. Plus we're asking you to join in and make it a conversation.
Our chosen few will be sharing their product knowledge, detecting experience, personal tips and tricks and anything else they want to discuss that might be of interest to the detecting community.
So who are our chosen few? Let me introduce them...
Nenad has been with Minelab for 8 years and is based in Adelaide, Australia where he is our Customer and Technical Support Officer. He's a passionate gold prospector and beach hunter and has been a keen user of metal detectors since he was sixteen. He regularly contributes articles in the 'Minelab Times' (Minelab Times can be downloaded here), and has written articles and stories for Australian Gold, Gem & Treasure magazine. Amongst his personal arsenal of detectors are a GPX-4500 and Sovereign GT, and uses an E-TRAC for the occasional coin shoot in the parklands.
Kevin has been with Minelab for 5 years but has been using Minelab metal detectors since the late 1980’s. Kevin is our Director of Dealer Development based in Prescott Arizona and spends most of his time working from his Minelab 'Nissan Xterra' truck that he calls his office. He is passionate about gold prospecting and has traveled to many locations around the world hunting the yellow metal. While we welcome your input, please don't get Kevin started on the gold he finds! (when he has the time to go metal detecting that is) Kevin's favorite metal detector is the GPX-4500, but he also shoots for coins and relics with an E-TRAC and carries an X-TERRA 705 with 2 coils everywhere he goes.
For our readers in Europe, Des needs no introduction, but for the rest... Des has been with Minelab for 11 years and is based in Cork, Ireland, where he is our Field Application Specialist. Des has produced many online videos (available at and written a stack of articles for metal detecting magazines. He's a passionate detectorist, world traveler and avid outdoor fanatic with a bent for taking photos! Des's favorite detectors are the Musketeer, Sovereign’s, X-TERRA and the fantastic E-TRAC.

Phil has been with Minelab for 11 years and is based in Adelaide, Australia. Phil is part of our Engineering team and has been heavily involved with incorporating technologies such as MPS, DVT and SETA into the GP range of detectors. Whilst Phil has a stack of gold specimens in his office for testing, he's yet to find a piece of gold that he didn't bury an hour earlier!


I have been with Minelab for one year, based in Adelaide, Australia. I am part of our Marketing team and after finding my first piece of gold in less than 15 minutes using a GPX-4500, am warming to the idea of buying my own. Beginners luck, natural talent or an amazing detector, I'll let you decide.

So to start the conversation - What would you like us to write about? What would you like to know from Minelab that would make your detecting experiences even more rewarding?

Happy detecting,
Brenton O’Brien

P.S. To contribute you will need to create a Minelab login here.

Minelab metal detectors


Hi guys what a great idea this is and thanks for taking the time.
What would we like to Know ?
Well any extra tips and tricks i Guess. I personally would be interested whether their are any large coils in the pipeline for the E-TRAC for a bit of extra coverage of those large areas. I'd just like to add that anyone reading this thinking about buying the E-TRAC it really is the roles royce of discriminating detectors.
Posted By: wildgoldhunt on April 07, 2010 11:22am
Hi guy"s,great job on the GPX-4500,already finding gold and lot"s of old coin"s on the beach"s,just wondering if there"s any water proof coil"s in the making,or is it possible to water proof the DD,as the forcast is for lot"s of rain this year,as i try to get out as much as possible,also any advice on useing a monno coil around power line"s,i hav"nt had much luck,regard"s martin schynol.
Posted By: martin13 on April 07, 2010 11:23am
Hello everyone. I'm one of Minelab's new bloggers and I'm looking forward to writing some articles talking about things that might be useful to people, as well as following comments from readers.
I don't swing a metal detector on a regular basis like many of you but I do get to see the detector from the inside out. I am in a rare position, where many of the people that buy the detectors that I help to create get to know the operation of those detectors better than I do.
Please participate freely in the discussions about each post as this can only help to improve the quality and the selection of the articles that we write here.
I'm away with my family at the moment but I might have an article on simplifying the E-TRAC audio for first timers up some time after I get back.
Posted By: Phil on April 08, 2010 11:23am
Hi Martin,
The range of commander coils are water resistant, but not waterproof. For example this means that they can get wet from rain and from moving through wet grass, but they cannot be submerged under water. There’s more information about Minelab coils in the Coil Selection Guide that can be downloaded from the Knowledge Base section of the website under technical notes.

Brenton O’Brien
Posted By: Brenton O'Brien on April 14, 2010 09:57am
Hi Martin, sorry but Mono coils don't work too well around powerlines. The best way to get closer to them is to use the 11" DoubleD coil, and flick the coil switch to Cancel. Don't forget to reset the Rx Gain, as you can sometimes run it a bit higher when in Cancel.
Posted By: Nenad on April 16, 2010 04:05pm
Hi, Please can you inform me were I can download other Minelab Discrimination patterns and other settings for my newly purchased E-TRAC, Thanks, Nick
Posted By: craigs1945 on April 18, 2010 10:10am
Hi Nick,
You can find patterns for the E-TRAC on the E-TRAC product page under specifications. You can also download and share E-TRAC patters and settings at
Posted By: Brenton. on April 21, 2010 04:17pm
Hi everyone Im a UK based detectorist and hope to contribute lots of bits to this Blog. The blog is a great idea linking us all over the World, able to share our experiences in using these products. I use Minelab products for searching for ancient coins and relics as well as locating WW2 aircraft crash sites. Many years back I was the first of our group to use a Minelab Explorer. Not just occasionally but every time we went out I beat all others in volume of finds by about 50%. Not guaranteeing quality of course but of course statistically it almost did as I found so much more. The only moot point was that after 5 months all the others went out and bought Minelabs..but as a group we all now find huge quantities of ancient finds. Now ten years or so later the success has never stopped. Our attitudes as some of us are semi-professional detectorists is that to re-inforce our dedication and success rate we deserve and simply must have the best on offer.....and thankfully we have......Jules
Posted By: Jules on May 07, 2010 09:07pm
I think the idea of a blog is brilliant as it gives a more personal face to Minelab as well as a direct conduit for their customers to access key personnel rather than the dreaded telephone. I have had the privilege of interviewing on camera two of the guys here (Phil and Nenad) and have personally met Kevin as well and Brenton and regularly take a peek at Des's videos on MLOTV, so I feel I can honestly say readers are in very good hands.

Well done Minelab... Jonathan Porter
Posted By: Jonathan Porter on June 05, 2010 06:40am
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