G'day, I was metal detecting over ground that I’ve been to many times with my Garrett AT PRO ... but this time I had my new MINELAB CTX 3030 and wanted to see just how much deep relics I’ve missed with other detectors. Well, the result was pretty impressive as I found some very deep silver and one that really surprised me ....A 1848 United States OF America ... One Cent at 23cms deep.
I’ve been over and over this ground and it was a very clear signal. Not every day you find an American coin that pre dates the civil war ... especially in Australia. I'm guessing an Australian soldier traded coins with an American marine. I’ve found thousands of relics and coins and badges and buttons and buckles but this was my first 1800s American coin ... The coin is mintage 6,415,799 .... Anyway hope ya enjoyed the mini story I could go on and on. I never knew you could share ya stories I might post a lot more I have thousands. Cheers.
Andy – VIC, Australia.