

What A Dream Day

24 May 2020

What a dream day Expecting a hot day predicted 26-27’ I hit the fields early 6:30am armed with the trusty Nox 800 with my beach 1 to all land settings all programmed ready to go. Had a very hard first 2 1/2hrs digging shredded aluminium and small pieces of lead, sun beating down on me at this point, I was considering leaving early however I then managed to rescue a Roman fibula brooch wow which gave me the urge to push through the heat. Shortly after I found a cut quarter, then boom 💥 gold was peering through the edge of the clod of dirt to my amazement I’ve hit gold 🤩. My lucky day continued I managed to save 4 Hammered coins in total, gold Victoria sovereign & some great artifacts What a dream day to remember!

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