

Vesta case

02 Feb 2020

Two pirates began the pilgrimage in the heat of the day and sailed with the tide. Hours of arduous work later and we had little to show for our efforts until my nox squawked a deep high tone. Most of a spades depth down I flipped out the bottom of a beautiful vesta case and was mightily pleased with that but it was missing the top and so I started a spiral pattern detecting out and around from the case. 3 or 4 spirals later and about 5 or 6 metres away and a similar tone revealed the top 🥰 such a wonderful feeling.

Several locations later the sun had dropped out of the sky and we were picking up obsidian at a spot we thought we'd hammered before (goes to show how amazing the equinox is) when my Equinox squarked again, looking down I saw what I thought was a 10c piece based on its size and colour sitting on the surface. Didn't even think about the numbers the NOx gave me (mid 20s)

Picking it up me got a shock when I saw Bullhead George looking back at me! 1817 English King George the third shilling, oh yea, for a country first discovered by Europeans in 1769 that is a truly ancient and rare coin.

Gary - Bay of Plenty, New Zealand


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