We found treasure cache of silver coins buried under this old historic house! The owner asked Jake and I to do some detecting in the crawlspace of the family home. The home was built at the turn of the century and is one of the larger Victorian homes in the state. The owner told us the story of a previous family member who buried an unspecified amount of gold coins under the house in coffee cans back in the early 20’s. These coins were dug up in 1985, and would now be worth a fortune. There a total of 14 coffee cans full of gold coins that were dug up that day. It was unclear if all of the cans were dug up, so Jake and I were asked to see if we could find anything that may have been missed. As it turns out, we did not find any gold coins, but to our surprise we began finding silver coins buried in the dirt floor. These coins were a mix of silver coins ranging from the 1890's through 1964. The family was not aware of these coins and did not know how they ended up buried in the floor. It was one of the best detecting hunts of my life.
Ryan - Idaho, USA