

The best two weeks with my EQUINOX 800

07 Sep 2018

The last two weeks have been amazing, I've been searching the fields behind my house and nearly every day I've been coming home with something amazing. I've had 8 hammered coins and some other nice artefacts, including a lovely Silver Tudor Hairpin.

The coins are as follows, a voided long cross cut half hammered Penny, a Edward I Penny, a Alexander III Penny and a cut quarter(Farthing) short cross of Henry I, a Elizabeth I Penny, a James I Penny, a tiny Edward I Farthing and another hammered, but unidentifiable silver coin. The cream of the crop was a beautiful Silver and Guilded Tudor Ball-head Hairpin.

I can't believe how good the EQUINOX 800 is it has quadrupled my finds rate from my old Whites XLT Detector.

Kevin - UK

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