

Ring Returned!

04 Apr 2019
Success Story

My friend and I were metal detecting an empty lot next to a dentist office last week, when I found something I was totally not expecting. I was using my EQUINOX 800 and had already found a clad quarter, a 1920 mercury dime, and a dog collar tag. Then, it happened! I dug a 21 signal...When I saw my target in the sidewall, I first thought maybe it was a beer bottle cap, or a slide from a Cub Scout neckerchief. Then I saw large numbers on the side of the target, and I realized the numbers were a graduation year! I had finally found my first ever class ring and my first ever solid gold target (not plated)! I had a 10K gold Balfour 1968 high school class ring in my hands! I was shocked! To make the story even better, in a joint effort, my friend and I were able to figure out what school the ring was from and then track down the owner of the ring. We were also able to do a successful return of the ring less than 24 hours later! The man had lost it 33 years earlier, while cleaning catfish. He and his wife had looked for it for a long time and often thought of the ring when they would drive by the empty lot (that they used to live on). The man had eventually given up hope of ever seeing his ring again. He was emotional and very happy to receive his ring back. My friend and I were overjoyed to be able to return it to him. It was an amazing experience and a blessing to be a part of this!

Steven - Mississippi, USA

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