

One Epic Hunt with the EQUINOX!

20 Aug 2018

Im a beach hunter and the EQUINOX is definitely king of the beach! This is how my hunt started. :) After checking the tides and scouting spots I went to my first location. It looked very promising but ending up being a wash out. I then continued my search at other locations then I decided on one more location. This spot looked terrible. I started working my machine up high thinking that would be my best bet. Beach was almost flat, targets not so many, but I remembered we had some storms back to back with some decent wind a couple days before so I was thinking maybe some sand had moved a little below in the mushy sand. That’s when I started finding targets! I was shocked! These targets should be sinking but I assume these targets must of came from up high and washed down from the storm. I noticed the equinox was able to punch through the wet mushy sand a lot better than my last machine, I was very impressed. I started digging coins then I got a very clear signal that I recall was between a 10 and a 12. To my surprise I found my first Gold chain with my new Minelab! 10k! Then shortly I found a silver ring. I knew immediately I was in a good location. Then after finding a couple coins I scored my first 14k gold ring of the night! Then another silver ring followed by some earrings. Then bam!, another gold ring! I could not believe it! This machine is amazing! I wanted to stay longer but I started getting tired because of all the targets I was digging so I decided to call it a night. This was probably one of my most epic hunts of all time and I did it with my new EQUINOX 800! My settings that night were Beach 1 Sen 22 All metal No noise cancel Thanks Minelab for making one heck of a beach machine!!!

Chris - North California, USA

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