
GP 3500

My First Gold Nugget

11 May 2012

My wife and I arrived at the goldfields with our detector, we purchased in Gympie QLD, and so far after some months of part time prospecting had found no gold. We were staying at the local caravan park, and met a couple of other prospectors who invited us out to their patch, which they had prospected at, but said we were welcome to have a detect also. After arriving at the spot our friends left us to detect. It was scattered bush, and bark litter on the ground. My wife went detecting for approx. 1hour while I sat in a collapsible chair and read a book. She returned and I decided to have a detect. I turned the detector on and waved it near the chair, and received a loud signal which I was not sure about, so I asked the wife to move the chair. I waved the Minelab where the chair leg was and received a loud signal again. I kicked the bark out of the way and the signal was gone. I search through the leaves and picked up a heavy dark stone. After rubbing it ,the gold shone through. It was a solid gold 6 ounce nugget coated with an ironstone sheen. I had found my first Nugget.... Eureka! Gavin & Gloria - Australia

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