

My First gold coin!

03 May 2020

I got invited to go search on an area, where people had been searching for couple of years. I was much excited, because that region is known for having more than 8000 years of history. I did get warned by some people, that many Detectorists had been searching that region for more than 30 years, so the worst scenario was going home empty handed. But that didn't scared me, because I had a machine with recent technology, the Equinox 800 with the 15" coil! They laughed... When I got there, I immediately started to get lots of signals, many bits of lead! To me it was a good sign! Because if people missed those, they might had missed other good stuff. After a few hours, I had found couple of tiny Roman coins and small copper hammered coins in a very bad condition due to the ground conditions (quite mineralized). As we were about to take a break to go eat, I had a very iffy signal! After inspecting for a few seconds, I decided to call my friends... We were 4, and only 2 machines could get that signal... They said: C'mon dig it! So I did... after digging a decent deep hole, my Equinox got a much clearer signal (still jumpy), so I grabbed my pin pointer and looked for it... Couldn't find it at the bottom, so when I pulled my pinpointed, I got a signal on the side!! It was this beautiful Barbaric Tremissis on edge!!!! I couldn't believe it! And yes, I cried... my mind was overwhelmed with lots of feelings! So we went for our meal... After eating, we went to another area nearby. I found a beautiful and extremely rare Dagger from the Bronze Age! But let's keep that story for another day!

"He who laughs last, laughs longest/best"

Fabio – Europe

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