

My childhood dreams comes true..

09 Sep 2020
Find of
the Month

Hello to All, my name is Pierre Banspet and I'v been detecting since the age of 14 with a used old metal detector bought at a basement clean-out while on vacation with my folks , fell in love with detecting ever since my first find, but never thought that the finds would escalate to this, Used different types of metal detectors all this time. A few years back I pre-ordered the Equinox 800 from RadioWorld Toronto and have been using it religiously since its grande unveiling.. Now at 52 , found my share of fairly recent copper , silver coins, relics and a bit of jewelry.. but not really my thing.. Had the chance to detect in fields in England and France with permissions from my friends...and what great finds we unearthed for each specific regions, but now back home never thought that the european style finds would end up here in our fields.. a year ago in the spring of 2019 on a radiant day , detecting in a field as usual with my buddy JP, i picked up a clear signal of 18 on my Equinox 800, low but stable , i dug it and through the mix of wet field earth a golden yellow color flashed my eyes.... 10 seconds of hesitation and disbelief,, "Is this what I think it is?" Slowly picked it up and saw with my detecting buddy JP that it was a French 1787 Louis 16 pur gold coin.. After this experience I told myself " Well, i'v done it and I can quit detecting, I have reached the top"..But no, the Nox was insistant to go out again, I bent to its request and started detecting again in the automne, not expecting anything close to the golden find... Now in 2020 and still detecting , I got a new permission on a huge field from a farmer last week and walked a few kilometers armed with the Equinox 800 to simply find a ferrous or non-ferrous hint signals. Finally found an isolated area with exactly the 2 types of signals, Buttons , nails an a few odds and ends. The next day bright and early came back to the permission. Metal Detected 10 hrs .. It was a good day with 7 old copper coins and token and a lot of nice flat and ornate buttons. Tired and heading back to my véhicule my Equinox 800 coil hit a last steady signal of 17\18 and at 6 inches deep.."Another flat button" I said to myself.... why my surprise as I held the ""supposably flat button"" I concluded I was staring at a tarnished silver tinted crusaders cross thing... After a slight slight rub .. I was overcome by the same type of feeling as the discovery of the gold French coin the year before. Having seen some similar finds in France and England, I realised that I was holding in my hand a piece of history .French Silver hammered coin. 1591 to be exact.. It was the 2nd best metal detecting day in my life.. This coin must have crossed the Atlantic on a beautiful 16 or 17th century wooden ship with cargo and passagers for the new world. Probably dropped by one of the first habitants of our region since it was discovered in 1534 by Jacques Cartier, but inhabited by the 1st nations people for thousands of years.. Never would i have thought that when i was 14 years old and dreaming of real treasure , that my 1st metal detector would bring me in living fascinating adventures and real treasure hunts.... Pierre Bansept (Ban7)

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