

My Best Gold Find Yet!

10 Sep 2018
Success Story

I was out metal detecting with my Minelab EQUINOX 800. I have spent over 60 hours detecting on this beach strip, with 3 different machines over the last year and a half. This strip has been the best place I have ever detected and have found at least half, if not more of all my silver coins here. It has become increasingly difficult to find stuff as time goes on, I have purchased a scoop so I can get out into the low tide muck. I was lucky to find a couple more Canadian silver coins and some relics and then at the end of the day, covered in muck and smelling like a dead fish I came across a 10-11 on the EQUINOX. I got out my scoop and started hacking away at the muck and out popped what looked to be a gold ring. I had never found gold on this beach previously and it had been over a year since finding a gold ring. I cleaned it up and behold my first 14K gold ring with 9 diamonds that all tested real!! My best gold find to date, couldn't be happier with my EQUINOX 800, it is an absolute beast (:

Andrew - British Columbia, Canada

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