

Mint condition bronze age axe head

18 Sep 2020

I decided to have a few hours out detecting before I had to pick my daughter up from school so I head off to a permission Iv had since i started detecting about 5 years ago, it was one of them days where i was just finding button after button after button bits of lead and bits of iron nails and iron rings it was nearly time for me to go and do the school run so I decided to do 3-4 more passes of the field and after finding a few more buttons I was on my last pass of the field and I got a signal of 18 -21 a bit jumpy but a good signal so I took the sod off and then the signal cleared up to a solid 21 I could see in the side wall what looked like brass or copper and I just thought it would be a piece of junk but I scraped it out with my finger and to my amazement out popped a mint condition bronze age axe head which absolutely made my day and to top it off it was in a field that had been done to death over the years makes me wonder what else iv missed in there.

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