

Love never dies

16 Apr 2023
Success Story

My name is Nick bowling .Im from morningview ky. I live in a country club by the name of white villa country club.. it was formed in the early 1900 as a hunting and fishing club. The clubhouse was built in 1906 . As time progressed it turned into more of a community where people lived all year around. Some of the oldest members here have lived here 40 years. So I first started detecting here not long ago with my minelab explorer pro. Then upgraded to the equinox 800. So this story started just a week ago when I was hunting a area where a old fishing cabin was located. I found several silver coins. A 1950 silver quarter, and 2 mercury dimes. And a few Buffalo nickels. I got a kit on a mid 20s target. As I dug around 9 inches deep I seen gold!!!! I pulled it out and it was a larger wedding band. I brought it home to clean it up,when I noticed it had a message on inside of ring. It said Love Reene!!! As soon as I read it I immediately said to my self,that's reenes husband Tim's ring. The next day at work all I could think of is returning it to them.. that evening after work, I went over to there house, which was the property next door to where it was found. The were having a Glas of wine on there back porch, I sat down and just started a conversation. In that conversation I asked, have you ever lost any jewelry, they both looked at each other and said yes about 36 years ago the 4th year of marrage,tim lost his wedding band. And you could tell in there voice that it was a bad subject. They told me back then times were tough so to buy a gold ring was alot of money to them. And that she cried for days over it because it was a symbol of there marriage. I stopped them there and said I guess love never dies, when I said that both of there eyes lit up, I then pulled it from my pocket and I seen tears!!! They were histerical, and could not belive I found there wedding ring. So they them told me the whole story again how they have been married for 40 years and lost it the 4th year of marriage. And it is true that true love never diesdies

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