My hunting buddy Steve has a spot he'd been working over with good results for relics in the past and we'd also worked it over many times as a team on top of that. We'd moved on to some other areas but Steve said he had a feeling we should go back over it again. Well, it pays to listen to your hunting bud so off we went Steve, my wife and I. It had been raining and the ground was damp as opposed to the normally dry conditions we'd hunted in there before. After a short time swinging my E-TRAC in a sandy area I hit a spot with all the signs of multiple targets. I was getting numbers all over the spectrum and all kinds of sounds from lows to highs in a small area. Slowing down to a crawl with an open quick mask I heard some interesting sounds in between all the iron. So my wife, a true blessing as she loves to dig targets, started in and hit some iron trash at about 7”. Pulled it and I reswung the hole finding more targets and we kept going. As we started cleaning out the iron the good stuff started showing up. A few old jewelry pieces came up first.