fue una mañana en la playa de valencia con dos EQUINOX800 dentro del agua, el mar estava muy agetreado perdiendo muchas señales, pero al final con una ID de 8 salio un lingote de oro de 24 kilates de 10 gramos, una cosa impensable ya que lo unico que sale son anillos monedas y sobre todo basura, Victor y Ruben, yo, nos tiremos de espaldas al agua viendo esa sorpresa ya que encima es un lingote antiguo.
It was a morning at the beach of Valencia with two 800 EQUINOX in the water, the sea was very lost losing many signals, but in the end with an ID of 8 a 24-carat gold ingot of 10 grams came out, an unthinkable thing since The only thing that comes out are coins and rubbish rings, Victor and Ruben, me, we throw ourselves with our backs to the water seeing that surprise since it is an old ingot on top.
Ruben - Valencia Community, Spain