

Last hunt of 2018 gets 1833 Capped Bust Half Dime

02 Jan 2019

My friend Chris and I have been hunting a very large piece of property looking for a camp known to be in the area. We were hunting the side of a hill near the railroad tracks and working our way down towards the creek. There was a lot of trash from where an old house must has sat, as it was litter with square nails and broken glass and pottery. Both of us were using the Minelab EQUINOX, which works great in trashy areas. The previous week I found an 1899 Barber dime and a heel plate and Chris found a three ringer and a spoon. Chris made the comment that he saw on an old map that there used to be a road that went under the railroad trestle down to the creek and across to the next field (different owner and that is where we think the camp is). So he walked over to where the road may have been and immediately found a bullet. Then another. I told Chris that I was going to walk to the bottom of the hill towards the creek. First signal was a nice flat button. Then about 3 feet away I got a nice sweet tone reading about 21 on the EQUINOX and reading 8+" deep. I dug down the length of my shovel, which is about 12”, and laying in the bottom of the hole, I could see a silver coin laying in the bottom. I hollered at Chris and said I have another silver dime. He looks in hole and says it looks funny and must be a foreign coin. When I got it out we still could not tell if seated or not. Chris got out his spray bottle of water and we gently cleaned off the dirt. That is when the mystery came to light. It was an 1833 Capped Bust half dime in pretty good shape.

Randy -Tennessee, USA

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