Had plans to head out with buddy Jim on Sunday. Well Saturday came around and weatherman talking huge rain storm moving in for all day Sunday, with major flooding. Well we decided to cancel do to weather. Sunday morn came around and wasn’t raining yet but looked dark, so did some things with wife and kids in morning. We got home about noon and still wasn’t raining yet told the wife I’m going out for a little bit. As soon as I loaded my truck started raining hard, maybe it will let up so I still left. Drove about 5 minutes down road to a wooded site, didn’t really find much there before, but lets give a try.
Soon as I pulled in driveway to park it stopped raining, great I thought jumped out with machine and started walking. Machine was going crazy thought alot of junk so kept walking and then noticed my sunray probe had been switch on. Flipped off walked 3-4 steps and hit nice signal showed me was really deep 12 inches. Well skies opened up and downpoured. Thinking keep machine dry or dig well I had to dig. Dug a plug foot deep and was still there in hole. Turned probe on and checked hole well luckily I miss it and was on side of hole at 12+ inches it just fell out to bottom of hole. By now I was soaked grabbed coin filled hole and started running back to truck, just tryin to keep machine dry. Thru thorn bushes came out to truck arms bleeding and machine still half dry. Throw machine in truck and jumped in wet as heek looked down at coin and only seen 97 and that looked great. Wrapped up went straight home. Ran coin under water and this is what popped out. Rare variety S-125 1797 large cent.
Best known up to now is a vf40 sold in 2008 for 11500.00 No cleaning whatsoever. So sent away to be cleaned and conserved and maybe Heritage Act site. Thanks Mark Mays - Somerdale New Jersey, USA