I have enjoyed success with every pulse induction Minelab gold detector since the SD 2000. When the GPZ 7000 came along, I had to have one. I know when I go over ground I will find nuggets I have missed. I have no doubt that with each leap in new technology I will find more gold. With good results using the GPZ and the 14 inch coil since that model year release there was no doubt I had to have the 19 inch coil. Now this is a big coil! I put over 15 hours on this trying all the settings and reading anything someone would say about it. As in years past, something finally clicked and I figured out how the settings and signals and sweep speed were the key to success. Waiting through one of the longest winters, I did the research and started out putting hours behind the coil. Finally, on a signal that I almost dismissed as ground noise I dug out a nugget just shy of three ounces at an honest 24 inches judging by my apex pick.
Marc – MT, USA.