
Explorer II

Good Friday was just that...

28 Aug 2013

It was Good Friday and I decided to go on a start of Spring Hunt in my favorite park. Walked in through my favorite path that had given up many silver coins, as well as relics in form of Bottoms, Fobs, Buckles. As I walked in I decided to, or something was telling me to hunt around the trees this hunt.

Hunting around the trees was proving to be unfruitful. The iron targets were plentiful and being that an old mansion used to be in the area where I was hunting and the locals were using the spot as a dumping ground as wooden homes were making way for the more modern structures.

So I came upon the row of tree that I was thinking was going around each tree at a snail's pace. When I got to the third tree, a nice tall Birch, I came upon an null on my Explorer II, but to the side of the null was a pull top signal. I stood there scanning over and over the top side, and something told me to dig it up.

I worked my digging tool, a 32 " Ground Shark, and popped up the soil... nothing. At the time, I was not into the pin pointers as I dug old school. But today, I did not need a pin pointer or scan the soil over the coil. When I reached about six inches and brought up the digger, I see this gold colored object flip up in the air, and at first I thought it was one of those gold screw tops that has given me many a fast heart beat. But today, it would be different. When the target hit the mount of dirt, I see a gold coin, but what type. I placed the coin between my fingers and bring it up to my face. First, it was my favorite golf coin... A 2 1/2 dollar gold piece with the Indian Head... year... 1911, with the bezel wrapped half way around the coin with the rest of the bezel in the dirt. I looked up into the sky and yelled.... Thank You Lord... I stood there with my hands shaking as the history of how many people had touch and used the coin. I finally calmed down... and looked for the chain in the hole to no avail. I then looked to the right where a fallen tree branch had fallen, and had the feeling to hunt there, and the moment I stepped over the branch... I got the signal, nice high pitch, but wait, there were multiple signals in one area. I began to carefully dig around the area and I hit the honey hole. The five silver in the pictures came to light, and I kept looking around to see some of my other hunting buddies that frequent the spot, but no one else, just me... I kept digging up the silver and thought what a wonderful hunt God has granted me, and a Gold coin to boot...

Went home whistling a happy tune, and praising the Lord. Oh, what I was whistling was... A Hunting we will Go, and Hi Ho from Snow White.... Got to dig those solo pull tab signals around trees...

EastHarlemGhost - New York, USA

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