

For the doubters...

04 Jun 2014

Up until January this year I had always used a different brand of metal detector. people always said you should upgrade and try a Minelab but I could never see why and what the fuss was about.. Anyway, January saw an opportunity to purchase an E-TRAC from a friend of mine who had just upgraded to a CTX 3030… It took a bit of getting used to but I have it set up using conduct in multitones ( complete opposite in sounds to what I am used to ) but half way through the year and I can honestly say if you tried to take it off me you would have no chance.. To date it has winkled out 9 hammered silver ( 8 Pennies and one half groat ) and numerous milled silver and artifacts.. It doesn't miss a thing! My best day yet came last week where my friend and I were detecting a new field, the first 3 hours had been quite quiet but after a coffee and a change of direction I had the sweetest 11-20 reading. I remember saying to myself " that sounds like a good one" Turning the clod over I had to do a double take and sit down.. staring up at me was the most beautiful Victroria 1848 Gold Half Sovereign... my first gold coin since starting the hobby and hopefully not the last..









Shortly after a lovely Silver Victoria 1870 3 Pence followed and a 1926 George V Shilling.. What a day !! So to the doubters out there.. don't knock it till you try it..


Ian - UK

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