It was very necessary find for me at the time(was jobless). I was walking with my X-TERRA along the edge of the village. Always came across pieces of foil from cigarette packs and aluminium bottles cork ("Ancient" Soviet vodka and place of celebrations). I reached the state of mind, when mind cuts all these signals. In the middle was located a water-well (once there was a hut). Nearby, there were many signals from old iron (enabled all metals). I caught one undistinguished signal. I did not want to dig foil so I passed by two or three times. When I realized that there were not non-ferrous signals nearby, decided to dig that foil... It was my first gold ring with a stone. Very nice and the sun shining ring! Do not be lazy to dig "foil".
Best Regards and Best Finds. P.S. hands trembling, poor mobile camera in result - bad historical photos.
Yurk – Ukraine.