

First Gold!

28 Sep 2016

Due to kids and mortgage my armoury consists of a $10 trowel, $30 ebay pinpointer and the X-TERRA 305. To compensate for my cheapness I did a lot of research and talked to the local historical society and I selected two small areas on a 30 acre site. After digging the mandatory nails and lead I got my first coin, a 1872 shilling. I knew I was in the right spot and spent a LOT of time working the area. Once I had a good collection of silver and copper coins 1826 - 1872  ( that's old for us Australians) plus artefacts, I lent them to the historical society to fill their display cabinet. The enthusiastic historical people gave me some new site tips and as it turns out some good karma. My very next swing got me a rare 1918 sixpence in great condition. A few nights later, I decided to try some adjacent ground in a direct line to the original pub. My first hit for the night after walking 200m was a solid sounding 16, I had been blocking everything under 28 except 16 (coins are addictive). After a second opinion from all metal I dug about 3' and out popped a yellow disc. It wasn't until I saw young Victoria that I knew it was a coin. Fifteen minutes later, I had convinced myself it was gold, my $5 Kmart belt bag would fail and it was likely I would be mugged. My night was cut short and I was home googling coins. Turns out to be a 1875 Sydney half sovereign, 252k made with 500 to 750 available and only 3 in mint state. I love the 305 but hopefully it has paid for its own retirement, hoping CTX 3030 for me now.

Geremy – TAS, Australia.

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