

First Beach Hunt with my EQUINOX 800

24 Feb 2018

Yesterday morning at around 5am I went to a few beaches that I knew might be good but wasn't sure. I wanted to give the 800 a try. I didn't have time to do much in the way of settings apart from sens at 24 and tone pitch at 1 and tones 50 . I didn't even pair the phones, i just used the wire and plugged them in . As i said i got to the beach at around 5am and search over a mile of beaches and although i found quite a lot i was wondering why i wasn't finding deeper targets , the best was around 6 inches or so when with my Explorer II ,I dig way deeper. Maybe I set the machine wrong or disturbed something else but till I get stuck in on the menu I wont know . Anyway I finished the hunt at around 8.30am or a bit later and by then had found a Silver ring , a Stainless Steel ring , a Junk ring , 3 old Victorian Pennies , 3 knackered Half Pennies , 2.20 Euros , 5 other foreign coins and £32.89p in spendable coinage including old pound coins which i will bank soon . When I get to grips with the settings later next week I will take the EQUINOQ 800 out to the beach again , probably Saturday week 3rd March .

East Sussex - England , UK

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