

Diamond earring found in field

02 Mar 2023

I am an amateur ring finder from New Zealand where this story begins. I was contacted on our Facebook page New Zealand Ring Finder by Ceara who on Monday night lost a small diamond stud earring on a grass pitch in Auckland while out running, When she got it caught on her headband taking it off, she managed to find the back close to where she had been standing but could not find the front. The earrings were a gift from her grandmother as a teenager and her husband had them repaired for her before their wedding so they are very special. I thought about not doing it due to the size of the item and it’s location and when we touched the other one with the pinpointer it didn’t register nor did any of the modes on the Equinox 800…except for gold mode which turned out to be a lifesaver. So when we got onto the field Ceara showed me a small area to search, I picked up maybe 10-15 false targets all reading pretty much the same number. We started picking through the grass, me with my headlamp and them with their phones torches, it was a real mission that took a lot of patience and within around 30 minutes of searching we had located it! I couldn’t have done it without my Equinox and Ceara who guided me around the search area.

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