I have now had the E-TRAC since May of 2010 and was so pleased with its performance and suprised that my picture was in the National Magazines, Since then I have found serveral hammered coins, georgian coins, and the "odd things" and "what its". I don't worry in writing reports for the above as my club find these with the other machines ( I don't recomend ) However I got to tell everyone the power of this machine. Since I have had it I have learnt so much, and this was proved on Sunday last, where on a 185 acre ploughed field, The E-TRAC, was the only machine out of our club to pull up 2 whole hammered coins, but my first half cut coin and an outstanding cut quater, from 6" down. I was so chuffed that the machine found it, and when I showed it to 3 members thier machines (non Minelab) could not pick the item up, another round to the E-TRAC, and top marks in designing an truely powerful machine. One of the members is now going to by Minelab due to this air test. Carry on the good work Minelab. Julian Whittaker - Isle of Wight, UK.