

Chasing Gold, Whenever I Like

25 Aug 2010

I hired a GPX-4500 a few weeks ago from Clermont Detectors which is run by Andrew, a great bloke to talk to, very friendly and helpful, I think a good local knowledge base there. Anyway, I had a short detecting instruction lesson with Andrew and away I went. Half a day searching brought me no gold but loads of nails and old tin cans. I had a ball more out of anticipation of what I may find more than anything, but not discouraged at my lack of finding gold. I returned to Clermont Detectors the very next day and signed up for the Clermont Gold and Coal festival detecting competition, being an absolute beginner at metal detecting. I didn't expect a prize, rather doing it for the experience. The area was bad, an old rubbish tip loaded with all sorts of metal and a couple hundred of number stamped lead tokens were spread around over about four acres for the 60 odd detectors to find. I set off with my hired GPX-4500 and 3 and a 1/2 hours to find as many as I could. I managed to find 3 tokens while some other people found ten and others found none. At the end of searching we all returned to Centenary park to enjoy a cold drink and sausage sizzle while the found tokens were being registered. Next was the part that everybody was waiting for, the drawing of the prizes. First prize was a Minelab GPX-4500 generously donated by Minelab, and many other prizes such as coils, coolers, caps, etc all decent prizes. Andrew announced that the first number drawn wins first prize and you wouldn't believe it. My number was drawn, the first token I found won it for me. Although my story isn't about finding a big nugget I got something better, a Minelab GPX-4500. Now I can go chasing those ever elusive gold nuggets whenever I like. Thanks Minelab for your generous donation and I am absolutely stoked about my new detector. M. Matthews - QLD, Australia

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