


14 Sep 2019
Success Story

My family and I were out for a walk in a path that I've walked, biked, skied and hunted all of my life. As I get older, and more addicted to history, I seem to spend more time looking into the woods, searching for obscure signs of old home sites. On this particular evening, I happened to look to my left and notice a weird hump in the otherwise flat ground. As I got closer, I could clearly see a cellar hole! Remember, I walked these trails for 30 years!! My brother was also floored, as he has never noticed it either. I became extra vigilant in looking in the woods around there while on the rest of our walk. Stacked stone walls all over the place! My mind was blown! The next day, I went back to the cellar with a friend, and my Equinox 600. I managed to pluck an 1812 half penny within the first 5 minutes. I also got a few degraded KGIII coppers and my buddy got an 1812 Artillery button. The next signal, little did I know, was going to be a huge bucket lister for me! Coming in at a repeatable 18, was the most gorgeous ball of rusty iron I've ever seen! A CANNONBALL! It's a British 6lb 1812 cannonball and has a special place in my collection because of how long it took me to actually find one. And in the middle of the woods! You just never know when or where your next Minelab find will be!

Chris – New Brunswick, Canada


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