

Bust Half !! Dude Dude Dude!!

19 Nov 2015
Success Story

My buddy Mark Dayton and I are loyal Minelab users and always grab for our CTX 3030's when we are heading out to a new Gold Rush Site. This hunt was no different. So with full batteries we headed out on our 30 minute hike to a recently discovered Gold Rush site that has been giving up some really great Gold Rush Relics. Mark with his 6" coil was pulling up some great buttons and relics and I too was getting a few relics and a couple Chinese coins. Then I got a banging 12/45 signal on the CTX. I knew it had a great chance of being a nice coin!! I yelled to Mark and we started the video rolling!! Man am I glad we videoed this dig!! Huge Flash of silver in the pile and "Bust Half--Dude Dude Dude!! You gotta love this hobby and Minelab detectors with their superior ID and Tone allows us to have a great idea of when to turn on the video to capture moments like this!! Ron – California, USA

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