

Bucket list first gold coin with Minelab Equinox 800 Celtic quarter stater Catuvellauni and Trinovantes

19 Dec 2019
Success Story

Although local history and artefacts has been always my guilty pleasure, I have been metal detecting for just two years now. I have travelled a lot and met loads of people driven by the same interest in recovering our hidden history and treasure. I started as my nephew loves the outdoors and my brother got the bug as well and soon it all became more like a family get together. All of us started with the Minelab x-terra 705 a machine that loves silver and on my second dig I remember my first two silver coins just a few meters apart: William six pence 1696. In October this year I attended one of the digs with my local club as a weekender and almost didn’t make it since my mom was not so well at the time. Although the weather was not great and people didn’t found much in the fields that day I got lucky and found a roman coin (bronze). A Constantine coin with a beautiful patina and amazing condition. The next day I got up early and prep all my gear with my new Equinox 800 that I had time to master for over 5-6 months now and around 12.00 in the afternoon I was delighted to find a beautiful and well preserved Celtic gold coin… It was my first gold coin ever found and of course a bucket list for me. My heart was pounding really hard and fast and it took me a while to pick the coin as well. Before doing that I snapped the phone out and recorded the event something that will live with me forever. The Equinox had such a steady and solid tone along with a clear VID for it that was impossible for anyone to miss a target as this. I felt so blessed and privileged to recover this coin that had been buried for about 2000 years now and for sure a great help was the fact I have always used Minelab. Also I learned that in metal detecting two days out are never the same and on the fields the detector makes a huge difference when it comes to finds and targets, this hobby is so unpredictable and rewarding for those who love it. Swing along everyone because you never know when your heart will jump out of the chest with joy and happiness. I have attached a picture of the coin along with the video on that day as well…. As it was returned from the FLO the coin was successfully ID: A gold quarter stater of the Catuvellauni and Trinovantes belonging to the Eastern (north Thames) region. Linear type struck under Cunobelin dating to the period cca AD 10-40 Registred with Portable Antiquities Scheme as NARC-90B3AC - Iron Age coin Radu Bogdan Barbu - Northamptonshire, UK

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