Since having the EQUINOX I've gone back to a farm I've detected for over five years on three occasions now, today was the Third visit, and what a three hour hunt it was, My last 2 visits turned up three Queen Victoria silvers that I'd missed with other machines, but today was special, as well as digging the usual coppers and lead I had a five coin spill which included three coppers and two silver sixpence of King George VI , but shortly before the coin spill I pulled out a complete shoe buckle from around nine inches deep, it was a stunning discovery, things were going to get better very soon when a five year bucket list find was achieved, a stunning silver thimble possibly dating back to the late 1800 s , all I can say is this EQUINOX 800 is insane, since the update it's really sniffing out silver, so Thank you very Minelab for a class act in the detector world.
Martin - Wales, United Kingdom